Tzvi Mogilevsky

Tzvi Mogilevsky

Revolutionize your Relationship with Technology

Enhance Your Career, Secure Your Life, Connect Better

Hi, I’m Tzvi, your guide in the digital world. As a technology life coach, I’m here to help you shape your relationship with technology in your work, security, and daily efficiency, without the overwhelm.

It is no secret that almost everyone feels that something needs to be done about our current use of technology. Guess what, it comes from a very good place. We are responsible people with good values.

Together, we’ll:

  • Propel your career with smart tech use.
  • Master easy, effective digital safety.
  • Streamline your work with tech.
  • Turn technology into a dream-achieving tool.
  • Balance tech for stronger relationships.

Intrigued? Reach out to start the conversation !

Navigating the Journey Together

Navigating the Journey Together

In the intricate dance of parenting, we often focus intently on our children’s needs, especially when they face challenges.

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Beyond January 15

Beyond January 15

Happy New Year! It’s January 1st again - for a large portion of our plant’s population it is a fresh page in the book of life (and yeah, those of us who have a different date for our own New Year - it is still applicable there!

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Technology Unmasked

Technology Unmasked

As the year winds down, many of us find ourselves with precious moments to spend with our loved ones, a perfect time to reflect on how our daily interactions with technology shape our lives.

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Helping Children Navigate The Digital Waters

Helping Children Navigate The Digital Waters

In the swift currents of our online universe, and especially amidst today’s violent atmosphere in the world, children often find themselves adrift amid content that isn’t meant for their young eyes.

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Striking a Balance

Striking a Balance

In our fast-paced world, screens have seamlessly woven themselves into the fabric of our daily lives.

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The Battlefield Within

The Battlefield Within

War is a subject that has been etched into the annals of history, with its grim narrative woven into the very fabric of human existence.

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The Pervasive Impact of Conflict

The Pervasive Impact of Conflict

War is a complex and profound experience, affecting not just soldiers but entire societies.

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Tech Safety Q&A

Tech Safety Q&A

Recently I gave an interview to Upgrade, a wonderful local organization, involved with the technology awareness in the community school.

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Mastering the Art of Authentic Relationships

Mastering the Art of Authentic Relationships

Today, let’s dig into something we all deal with but might not think about enough - relationships with the people around us.

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Technology is everywhere in our lives, and it can be a powerful tool for learning, entertainment, and communication.

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How to Use Technology in a Safe and Productive Way

How to Use Technology in a Safe and Productive Way

Technology is like a toolbox filled with helpful gadgets. It can empower us to learn, connect, and achieve our goals.

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Tech Safety Tips for Happy Families 🚀

Tech Safety Tips for Happy Families 🚀

In our modern world, technology has become as much a part of our daily routine as brushing our teeth or tying our shoes.

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Igniting Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

Igniting Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

Welcome to the inaugural post of our Entrepreneur’s blog at Kosher Wall.

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MP3 Players

MP3 Players

In today’s digitally interconnected world, ensuring the safety and well-being of our family, especially our children, can often feel like navigating a stormy sea.

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Basic Phones

Basic Phones

In today’s technology-driven world, ensuring the safety of our families, especially when it comes to digital devices, has become a top priority.

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Connecting in a Digital Age

In our modern world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing how we work, socialize, and connect with others.

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Secure Your Router

Secure Your Router

Those of us who are connected to the internet in some form or another, the gateway for that connection is often a router.

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The 7 Biggest Challenges Technology Poses to Our Relationships

The 7 Biggest Challenges Technology Poses to Our Relationships

Hey, friends! For many, technology is a big part of our daily lives, from chatting with family on our smartphones to engaging with friends on social media.

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Nurturing Digital Safety

Nurturing Digital Safety

Welcome to the Family Digital Safety Coaching blog! In this ever-evolving digital age, it’s critical for families to navigate the vast online landscape with confidence and ensure the safety and well-being of their loved ones.

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